
If you love my work, and you want to help me to develop new things, I have a Patreon page here. If you'd just like to buy me a cup of tea here is my Ko-Fi and if you'd like to buy some original art or ebooks of my short story collections here is my Ko-Fi shop.

My Patreon supporters have helped me to fund the full archive of Tea and Jeopardy episodes (Hugo Award winning podcast that has now finished) and also branch out into some new art techniques. And of course, getting a bit of money each month means a huge amount to any creative with unpredictable income.

I don't have a reward tiers system over there, as offering exclusive content only for people who can afford it makes me uncomfortable. We are all trying to survive living under capitalism and the impact of neoliberal political ideology, and I don't want to shut supporters out of things they might have wanted. Instead, supporters can pledge whatever they want and in return they gain access to all of the Planetfall short stories I've sent to my newsletter subscribers over the last couple of years, along with more personal updates. Patrons receive newsletters and access to new stories first, then I sent them out to the rest of my subscribers.

Patrons also get ad-free versions of the videos of Tea and Sanctuary episodes, along with a ST:TNG watchalong (I plan to do more in the future).

If you'd like to support my work, you can become a Patron here.