Phoenix Rising - Videos of Kate

This page is part of the collection of tributes to Kate and memories of her, below are videos of Kate (more to be added very soon). If you know of any from her Tango dancing, please, please get in touch.

Kate Harding passed away on October 2nd 2014. An outpouring of tributes, love and beautiful memories poured onto Facebook and I felt as much of this as possible should be collated in one place. This is for Kate's parents in particular, Sue and Dick Harding, and for her sister, Emily, who may not be connected to all of Kate's friends online and therefore could miss things. I also fear the ephemeral nature of Facebook would make it too easy for something to be lost.

This website was designed and built by Kate. I hope I don't upset anyone by this collation, I declare no ownership of anything said or posted by any one else and will credit to the best of my ability. I am grieving, intensely, so please forgive mistakes or oversights. They are not intentional.

If you object to my collating your tribute/photo/video here, please let me know via the contact page and I will remove it as soon as possible with my deepest apologies. If there is something you've seen and is not here, please contact me here or on Facebook to point me to it, so I may add it. If you would like to add your own memories of Kate or tributes to her, please do so in the comments below.

With love, Em xx

Text tributes

Photos of Kate (under construction)

Digging around for old photos of Kate earlier today I found an old video she had made. I have uploaded it to YouTube (unlisted) for anyone else who'd like to watch it. I decided not to stabilise it or fix the brightness, since in some ways the presentation is part of the charm.

Dom Camus

She loved to dance and this is how I want to remember her...Radiant and at the top of her game.

Trevor Williams

She is furthest away of the six ladies in this one.

Trevor Williams


Speaking of video, a conversation at the weekend reminded me of this one. Requires some explanation to see the relevance, though. After her return from the US I drove up to Watford with Kate to get some of her stuff out of storage and sort through things. We were the only ones on that floor of the storage facility, so we somehow talked each other into racing one of the trolleys around the empty corridor. Kate's sitting on the trolley doing the filming and I'm pushing it. (In retrospect we should have filmed each other at the end. Oh well. Kate's foot appears very briefly!)

Dom Camus