Photos, art and Worldcon

Hello my lovelies,
Well, tomorrow I start driving north to attend Worldcon in Glasgow. It's the first big convention I've done in five years, so I am feeling a heady mix of excited and nervous. In case you missed it, here's a post containing all the information about my schedule, including how to sign up to my Table Talk, and the 'Meet the Artists' session.
Which leads me neatly onto the fact that I will be exhibiting paintings and sculptures at the art show after several intense weeks of preparation. You can see one of the paintings in my gallery entry here. All of the items will be available to buy in the silent auction that runs over the weekend, and I've also made 50 unique pendants which are numbered, signed and available for instant purchase at the 'Print Shop' area of the art show in Hall 4. I made a video showing you the pendants so you can have a look before the show.
The planet pendants that will be on sale at the Worldcon Art Show
In other news, I had my new author pictures done after leaving it far too long, and you can see them here. The photo that is the featured image on this round-up (I hope it's visible for you lovely subscribers!) is one that my Mum found this weekend, showing me serving proper Stranger Things vibes in 1984. It made me so happy to see it because the memories it brought back of getting the Ewok Village for Christmas were intense! It was taken in my maternal grandparents' living room, and truly I have never seen so many horrific brown patterns clashing in one room before! I hope it makes you laugh like it did for me!
Lastly, another episode of my podcast Imagining Tomorrow was released, and it's all about trees! It's available in all the places you can listen to podcasts, and also here.
Right, I need to go and pack! Let me know if you're coming to Worldcon, and if you're a patron, do make sure you check the email I sent out for details of the Patrons Only meet-ups that I'll be doing on Saturday and Sunday at the event. Oh, I have a signing session at Worldcon, so if you have any of my books and would like me to sign them for you, bring them along!
See you on the other side,
Em xx
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