Worldcon is coming!

So, next week I will be travelling up to Glasgow, with a load of art for the art show, to participate in Worldcon 2024. I am both excited and faintly terrified. (It's okay, I always find conventions faintly terrifying, but this is the first really big convention I've done since 2019 so, yeah, I may upgrade that to 'Rather Terrified'.
As you can see in the image, I have a few things to keep me busy, which I love. In addition to those items, I will be taking part in the 'Meet The Artists' session on Friday 3-6pm (I will be there from 3pm and stay as long as my brain allows). If you'd like to go to my Table Talk (formerly called Kaffeklatch) you can find out how to sign up for it here:
I will also be meeting up with my Patrons, so if you want to be included in that, but aren't yet a Patron, you can fix that here:
If you just want to say hi, and maybe have me sign a book I've written, please do come to the autographing session on the Sunday if you can! I am always worried I will sit there like a lemon for an hour and you could save me from that!
Let me know in the comments if I will see you there!
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